You're Not Alone. We're In This Together.

Dr Veerle holds your hand when through imminent break-throughs, repressed memories when emotions & fear surface.

Who Is Dr Veerle?

Dr Veerle

Meet Your Coach:

Dr. Veerle Van Tricht brings a wealth of experience to individuals around the world through her work as an eye surgeon and as a Medical Mojo Mentor, specializing in helping professionals avoid burnout. Burnout is an important focus to Veerle because she has personally experienced it and it is yet to be recognized as a medical condition. As part of her own healing and recovery process, she focused on holistic solutions that would get her past the tough times and onto a strong foundation to grow from. With what she learned, she now helps thousands of people become unstuck and move towards the life of their dreams.

A Trusted & Seasoned Coach:

Dr Veerle's 30 years education and experience as a medical doctor, life coach, reiki master, journey practitioner and angel healer while she coaches you 1-1. 

Get Ready For A Transformation:

You will have energy to play

You will sleep like a baby

You will feel calm, collected & organised

You will have time to do things that bring you joy

You will excel at work

Your boss/clients/patients will respect you

You will find the work you were born to do

You will feel supported and loved

You will learn how to manifest your soulmate

and much more!

Girl Transformation

All This. One-Time Investment.

Everything you get:

 One to One Coaching sessions

Weekly group coaching

Access to online program